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Rules & Regulations - Vidya Sagar Institute of Education (For Girls)


- Parents must ensure that their wards attend the college regularly and punctually
- The college reserves the right to take action against students who fall short of 75% attendance criterion.
- Absentees and late comers will be fined. The students should strictly adhere to the college timings. The students must report 10 minutes before the commencement of the college.
- No leaves will be sanctioned without prior permission from the house incharge.
- The leave applications, even for one day should be duly signed by the parents/guardian stating the cause of absence.
- No leaves will be sanctioned on telephone.
- Permission for long leave has to be sought from the principal.
- No half day leaves will be granted.
- Deliberate absence during functions and important celebrations will amount to strict disciplinary action.

The students are expected to behave in a polite and refined manner. Habitual idleness, disobedience, continuous absence without any justifiable reason, poor academic progress and misconduct/indiscipline will be dealt with strictly by college authorities.

College uniform is compulsory on Wednesdays & Saturdays and on other special days as per the instructions given by the faculty members. Uniform defaulters will be fined.

- E-mail ID's should be submitted to office within a week after admission.
- Any change in contact number must be immediately reported to office.
- Parents and guardians are not permitted to walk into the classrooms during the working hours.
- In case of emergency parents/guardians are to come to college personally to get their ward back with proper permission of the principal. Students will nto be sent with unauthorized persons.
- The use of mobile phones in college premises is strictly prohibited.
- The students are not allowed to receive or make phone calls during class hours unless the matter is very urgent.